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Welcome to iSchool Virtual Academy


Your Way.

iSchool Virtual Academy is an online, fully accredited virtual school with a 3rd through 8th grade program designed specifically with younger students in mind.

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Students enjoy a fun, safe, and engaging learning experience.

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Success through an engagement-based, teacher-directed approach.

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Opportunities for an independent-based, student-directed approach.

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The key to success in this environment is parent involvement.

We Guide You & Your Student From Day One

All students are assigned a success coach on or before the first day of school. This coach serves as a homeroom teacher and engagement specialist.

Combined with our certified teachers and professional staff, the success coach spends ample time acclimating the student and parents/guardians to our online learning environment.


We ensure students understand how to navigate our online school before classes begin. Students receive an onboarding experience, including preparation time focusing on technology, systems, and access to our academic program.

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Parents receive an onboarding session for parent access and expectations within the first week. A virtual tour and meeting with the teacher/success coach will take place, in which students and parents/guardians will learn about live classes, drop-in office hours, review expectations, and address any next steps.

Focused on Engagement

School Engagement is

More Than Just Talk.

At iSchool Virtual Academy, we recognize the significance of student engagement and the resulting academic success. We instill a sense of community by encouraging interaction between peers and teachers through live instruction, homeroom activities, virtual field trips, and engaging clubs.

Engaged students are 2.5 times more likely to say they get excellent grades and do well in school, and they are 4.5 times more likely to be more hopeful about their future than their actively disengaged peers.”

Tim Hodges via GALLUP

Answers To Your Questions

Our fully-accredited online public school is a tuition-free program for 3rd-12th grade students. Best of all, your student can complete 100% of their education in the safety and comfort of their own home.

What grades does iSchool Virtual Academy serve?

iSchool Virtual Academy currently serves students in grades 3-12 as approved by the TEA.

How much does it cost to attend iSchool Virtual Academy?

iSchool Virtual Academy, a Responsive Education Solutions (ResponsiveEd®) charter school, is a tuition-free, online public school for eligible students.

Students are provided with all instructional materials for the program. Students and families will be responsible for providing materials for some courses, which may require additional supplies or materials for labs, art supplies, or other classes.

Who is eligible to attend iSchool Virtual Academy?

If your children live in Texas, will be in grades 3–12, and qualify under the terms of participation for enrollment, they are most likely eligible to attend iSchool Virtual Academy.
Please note the special enrollment criteria. A Texas student is eligible to enroll if:

  • The student was enrolled in a public school in Texas in the preceding school year
  • The student has been placed in substitute care in this state, regardless of whether the student was enrolled in a public school in this state in the preceding school year

Please review our enrollment checklist to see all requirements for enrollment eligibility.

How much daily time does an iSchool Virtual Academy student spend online?

Core and elective high school courses typically require 60 minutes a day. AP courses typically require 90 – 120 minutes a day.

How do iSchool Virtual Academy students access their teachers if they need help?

Students can access campus personnel, including teachers and support staff, in a variety of ways: phone, email, web conferencing tools, etc. Students will have the ability to meet with teachers and peers during live online classes, office hours, one-on-one sessions, and small group tutorials based on their individual academic needs and levels of content mastery.

Our Enrollment Process

Start by filling out your application below. Once your application is submitted and has been reviewed by our team to ensure we don’t need any additional information, you will be able to submit your enrollment documents. You will be required to provide:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • Immunization Record
  • Two Proofs of Residency
  • Parent or Guardian Photo ID
  • Current Transcripts